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What we do

We accelerate the transition to a sustainable society and economy. We are part of the Impact Hub network of 24,500 entrepreneurs and innovators in 102+ locations worldwide in 50+ countries spanning five continents. Learn more
Pictured: The Bamboo Brush Society

Our passionate entrepreneurial team has already helped more than 4000 companies to become more sustainable and make more impact.

In our work we use an ecosystem approach, because complex issues our society is facing cannot be solved alone. They ask for collaboration. Our ecosystems are focussed on the food sector, circular economy, inclusive society and fashion sector. Through our ecosystems startups, SMEs and organisations can activate their first steps in sustainability, get matched with innovative solutions to make a positive impact with their business and accelerate their impact through capacity building programs. Learn more

Connect with a valuable network to solve global and local challenges
GORDANA GORIC | Senior Lecturer University Vernity
Pictured: Precious Plastic

Meet the team

Impact Hub Amsterdam has a strong, driven multi-disciplinary team, who are dedicated to accelerate the transition to a sustainable society and economy. In this, we are supported by a vast network of mentors, trainers and advisors specialised in all important drivers of the impact field, and sectors such as food, circularity, fashion and inclusion. Get to know us and connect.

Latest updates

23 July

At Impact Hub Amsterdam, we see a resurgence of interest in biobased materials, both ancient and innovative. Despite this, many are still produced on a small scale and primarily used for interior purposes. Why the discrepancy? We explore some of this in this article.
19 June

Balancing style with sustainability - can we do it? The fashion sector is at a critical crossroads, striving to find creative ways to integrate sustainability in its procurement processes and business models. Creating a textile and fashion sector that is circular is not easy. But it is essential if we are to change fashion’s role as one of the most polluting and wasteful industries in the world. Find out what the four key innovation challenges are in this article.
9 June

New publication for the Circular Innovation Collective (CIC) - Circular cities are considered a vital component of the sustainability transformations needed to secure the future of our planet. Cities are responsible for 70% of the world's material use and consumption and as the global population grows and cities expand, their impacts become even greater. The transition to circularity is not only essential from an environmental perspective, it also presents significant opportunities for economic growth and diverse job creation. Circular startups will play a crucial role in expediting this transition, but they need targeted support to overcome common obstacles and fulfil their vast potential.
11 March

After a successful pilot with the Metropolitan Region Amsterdam, the Circular Innovation Collective has published an open-access guide to advance circular innovation programs across European cities and regions.
7 February

Innovating in the brewery sector is not always easy. But it is much needed in these times. Seven breweries and a wholesaler inspired each other and collaborated on a plan to brew in a more sustainable way. This happened during the CIRCO Track Beer Brewing. In this three-day training program, entrepreneurs work together to explore their opportunities in the field of circularity.

Career opportunities

Check out the career opportunities within our community of impact entrepreneurs. Find a purposeful job, assignment, internship, or project that contributes to solving sustainable and/or social issues. In other words: jobs with an impact.

Pictured: Paper on the rocks