“There were some people that had good intentions and they created the plastic bag and they started burning fossil fuels and they came up with a car. These weren’t monsters; they were inventors that in that specific time made a lot of sense, and now it’s time to rethink that.” – Cyrill Gutsch, CEO of Parley for the Oceans.
Our work is built on an ecosystem approach, because the complex challenges our society faces can’t be tackled in isolation. They demand collaboration.
We’ve established four key ecosystems — Food, Circularity, Inclusion, and Fashion.
These focus areas were chosen based on their significance in our local and regional context, the innovative impact entrepreneurs within our community, and their contribution to advancing multiple SDGs. As we advocate for a new economy rooted in regenerative systems and sustainable practices, it’s crucial to move beyond utilitarian and transactional networks and master the art of cultivating healthy social ecosystems.
Startups, SMEs, and organizations across the Netherlands and beyond.
They are already making an impact