Our services | Venture support | SoTecIn Factory Open Call for Higher-R Textile Solutions

SoTecIn Factory Open Call (2) for Higher-R Textile Solutions

SoTecIn Factory is a new project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme. This year Impact Hub Amsterdam leads the North-West region of the project. Together with a consortium from the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, France and Luxembourg, we will specifically focus on solving circular textile challenges.

This programme will award tech-forward innovators, who focus on higher-R textile solutions, with up to €100,000. If you have a tech-forward innovation or are looking to tackle a key challenge in the textile sector, this open call is for you!

Who can Apply?


  • Are a civil society member (startup, individual legal entity, or organization)
  • Are working to tackle a mission in the TEXTILE sector (not the other industrial value chains)
  • Are a tech-forward innovator
  • Have a higher-R textile solution in the ‘R-ladder’

How to apply?

There are three ways to participate in this open call:

  1. As an innovator submitting a solution to the set mission (bottom-up)
  2. Joining the pre-set challenge developed by a renowned challenge owner (Industry challenge)
  3. As a consortium with an organization proposing a joint solution for a fashion challenge connected to the mission.


Phase 1 - Evaluation & Selection
OCT-NOV 2023
Feb - April 2024 (Open Call 2)
April - Oct 2024 (Open Call 2)
Phase 1 - Program
April - Oct 2024 (Open Call 2)
Phase 2 - Selection
Nov - Dec 2024 (Open Call 2)
OCT 2024 - FEB 2025
Jan - May 2025 (Open Call 2)
Phase 2 - Programme
OCT 2024 - FEB 2025
Jan - May 2025 (Open Call 2)

Links to relevant documents:

  • Guideline for Applicants (click here)
  • Proposal Template (click here)