Our services | Venture support | Erasmus+ MIG.EN.CUBE


MIG.EN.CUBE – or Fostering MIGrant ENtrepreneurship inCUBation in Europe, is an Erasmus+ project that focuses on enhancing the knowledge and competences of diverse incubation professionals who deal with current or aspiring migrant entrepreneurs.

This project is led by the University of Bologna (Italy), in partnership with the University of Amsterdam, Institut Superieur de Gestion (France), Fondazione Grameen (Italy), Impact Hub Amsterdam, Place Network (France), the Impact Hub network, and Migration Policy Group (Belgium).

MIG.EN.CUBE seeks to enhance the knowledge and competences of diverse incubation professionals dealing with (would-be) super-diverse entrepreneurs, so as to foster the opportunities for migrant entrepreneurs to learn and experience how to start and grow a successful business.


01. increasing the understanding of specific incubation needs of migrant entrepreneurs and of the competences required for incubation professionals working with them; 

02. systematising and sharing best practices for innovative incubation programs for migrants across Europe; 

03. providing incubation professionals with new, tried-and-tested materials and tools for advising, training, performing, and assessing incubation for migrant entrepreneurs.

Main results

01. Synoptic Scan Research Report this report will identify the incubation services potentially or currently dealing with migrant entrepreneurs in France, Italy, and The Netherlands, carrying out a qualitative/quantitative research to map the characteristics of these incubation services, and collecting current practices to incubate migrant entrepreneurship in Europe.

02. Training Needs’ Diagnostic Assessment | this report will report evidence collected through qualitative/quantitative research to understand the training needs of incubation experts dealing with migrant entrepreneurs.

03. Incubating Migrant Entrepreneurs MOOC | this MOOC will provide incubation professionals with theoretical understanding and practical tools and methods to serve the needs of diverse migrant entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs.

04. Inclusive Incubator Guidebook | this guidebook will provide policy-makers and incubation professionals with theoretical understanding and practical tools and methods to serve the needs of diverse migrant entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs.