Our services | Venture support | Boost je Buurt 2025

Boost je Buurt 2025

Are you an impact entrepreneur who makes Amsterdam’s neighbourhoods healthier, more inclusive or more sustainable? Then this is the challenge for you! The City of Amsterdam’s Boost je Buurt challenge includes a business development programme valued at €2,500 and an additional development budget of up to €7,500.

Read on below the image for more information about the challenge!

How does Boost je Buurt work?

The Boost je Buurt challenge partners select three or four impact entrepreneurs for each of the seven city districts (stadsdelen) and city area Weesp. The selection criteria include (a.o.) a clear contribution to a relevant societal issue and a sound revenue model.

Impact Hub Amsterdam supervises the entrepreneurship development programme, which consists of workshops, e-learning modules and coaching sessions. In addition, Boost je Buurt participants get access to the networks of the municipality, Impact Hub Amsterdam, and other challenge partners and receive guidance in exploring these networks.

After completing the programme, the entrepreneurs launch a public campaign to get votes from fellow Amsterdammers. Finally, at the festive closing event, we announce the jury and public award winners, and thus two sets of €2,500, €5,000, and €7,500 prizes.

Who won the previous editions of Boost je Buurt?

In the Boost je Buurt (BJB) competition, winners are chosen through a combination of public voting and jury evaluation. The public votes for their favorite projects, while a jury assesses them based on innovation, social impact, and sustainability, ensuring a well-rounded selection of winners.

Winners of Boost je Buurt 2021
The winners of the 2021 public awards were Bijlmer Bookstore (first place), Schrijver in je Buurt (second place), and De Buurtkringloop (third place). Bijlmer Bookstore also won the top jury prize, while Women Skate The World and Spin AI secured the second and third prizes, respectively.


Winners of Boost je Buurt 2022
The winners of the 2022 public awards were Bims Tour Guides (first place), FC Weesp (second place) and LSTNR (third place). In addition, JuicietyMarie Marie and Bar Bario won the first, second and third jury prizes, respectively.

Who is this challenge for?

  • You run or are starting an impact-driven business in Amsterdam. (For businesses older than three years, participation is only possible with a specific project that aligns with your company.)
  • Only for businesses registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam or startups with plans to register there.
  • Your plan contributes to societal challenges: Healthy Neighborhood, Sustainable Neighborhood, Inclusive Neighborhood.
  • Impact entrepreneurship is a core part of your business model.
  • At least 50% of your revenue comes (in the long term) from the sale of products or services.

Are you up to the challenge?

Are you up to the challenge, and would you like to receive an update when we start accepting applications? Then show your initial interest by signing up below.