News | How do we involve consumers in conscious consumption and responsible clothing usage? x Fashion United

How do we involve consumers in conscious consumption and responsible clothing usage? x Fashion United

Pictured: Byewaste

Article by FASHIONUNITED | Press Club

In the second part of this series, we discuss three companies that set an example for future societies and the role of the collective. Read the first article of the series here.

Consumer Engagement and Innovative Companies in the World of Sustainable Fashion

In a world that is constantly evolving, awareness is emerging about our impact on the planet and the crucial role we play in shaping a sustainable future. Especially in the fashion industry, where creativity and expression go hand in hand with production and consumption, the forces of change are fueled by both conscious consumers and forward-thinking companies.

A New Perspective on Consumption

Annually, not only does the popularity of new clothing styles rise, but so does the alarming heap of textile waste. Statistics reveal that the fashion industry significantly contributes to our global waste problem. However, amid these concerning figures, a positive trend of change is also emerging. Consumers worldwide are beginning to reconsider their approach to fashion, reevaluating their wardrobes and increasingly opting for reuse and sustainable options.

Statistics Speak Volumes

Annual clothing waste reaches staggering figures, but positive shifts are noticeable. A growing number of people are taking steps to unite their love for clothing with responsibility. The result? A decrease in waste and a rising preference for quality over quantity.

Exemplary Initiatives

Companies like Byewaste, Race Against Waste, and De Steek demonstrate how responsibility and innovation can go hand in hand. Pioneering sustainable concepts and production methods, these companies prove that style and ethics do not have to be mutually exclusive. Their efforts contribute to a wave of positive change spreading to all corners of the fashion industry.

With this evolving dynamic in the world of fashion, where consumer awareness and entrepreneurship converge, a sustainable clothing future is within reach. Let’s delve deeper into the mentioned enterprises and explore the influential contribution of these companies that not only create fashion but also shape a world where our choices matter.


Byewaste offers a convenient, environmentally friendly solution for disposing of used textiles, books, toys, and electronics. With our free home pickup service, we reduce environmental impact by promoting reuse and recycling.

What we do: Through our user-friendly app, citizens can schedule appointments for the collection of unwanted items. Local partners ensure that products are either reused or recycled.

Mission: We aim for accessible sustainability to reduce the CO2 footprint of the fashion industry.

Call to action: Join us in the fight against waste! Together, we can make a tangible impact and enable a responsible future for everyone and future generations.

Race Against Waste

Race Against Waste focuses on educational action campaigns that engage young people in the circular economy. We educate them about issues in the textile supply chain and provide solutions.

What we do: We visit schools across the Netherlands to shed light on textile impact, from agricultural depletion to human exploitation. Ten schools compete in a Race to increase positive impact. Students collect textiles, perform repairs, organize swap events, and campaign. The school with the most impact wins a field trip.

Mission: Race Against Waste motivates contributions to the accelerated transition to a circular economy. With practical solutions, we involve as many people as possible for an impactful future.

Short-term goals: Scale up Textile Races in the Netherlands from 120 to 500 schools annually within 5 years. Expand annually to new countries for global impact and communities.

Call to action: Race Against Waste is seeking sponsors for Textile Races. Sponsorship as a textile producer, retailer, or municipality supports local education and essential knowledge for future generations and our children.


De Steek is a sewing café in Amsterdam West since 2019. The vision of DE STEEK is to provide an alternative to the fast fashion industry and bring people of all genders, cultures, and sizes together to create and repair clothing collaboratively.

What we do: De Steek has a sewing café where you can rent a table to work on sewing or repair projects under the guidance of a fashion designer. They also have a sustainable fabric store with surplus materials. Additionally, De Steek offers various workshops in fashion and textiles, both in their own studio and at events or other locations.

Mission: The mission of DE STEEK is to provide consumers with skills, knowledge, and services in clothing creation, maintenance, and repair, enabling them to develop a healthy relationship with their wardrobes. De Steek also provides a platform for young designers, creating a community.

Short-term goals: Teach more people skills! Offer more workshops, especially in different locations or events. Currently, they are exploring the possibility of opening a larger location.

Call to action: Join our fashion and textile community by visiting our Sewing Café, booking a workshop for your company on-site, or signing up to become a teacher yourself.

Circular Innovation Collective (CIC)

These startups are part of the Circular Innovation Collective (CIC) initiative, which aims to transition the fashion and textile sector to a circular model as quickly as possible and stimulate high-quality employment through innovative business models. CIC is a collaboration between three impact-driven organizations: Impact Hub Amsterdam, Metabolic, and Bankers Without Boundaries, made possible by the Municipality of Amsterdam, Stichting Doen, and the Goldschmeding Foundation.