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Masterclass Circular Chain Collaboration

During this masterclass you will receive input to take a critical look at your own supply chain and how you can facilitate collaborations with all stakeholders.  Can’t attend this masterclass? Or can’t wait to find out more about how the circular economy can benefit your company? We’re hosting more masterclasses this year, keep an eye out on our calendar. Sign up now

The objective

In a circular economy, preservation of added economic value is key. Although recycling at materials level is the mandatory endpoint of every circular value chain, it should be considered only after product lifetime extension over multiple use cycles has become no longer feasible.

In this masterclass, dr. Marcel den Hollander, circular product & business model design consultant, will, through a mix of theory and ‘hands-on’ assignments, address the ‘why, what and how’ of building ‘value-loss proof’ circular value chains together with existing and new value chain partners. The objective of this masterclass is not to hand you ready-made, cookie-cutter solutions, but rather to provide you with a lens through which you can look at your current value chain, enabling you to discover new opportunities for circular success.


The Province of Noord-Holland and Impact Hub Amsterdam are working together to strengthen the circular ecosystem in the province. As part of this collaboration, we organize various events and master classes.

For the latest news and events on circularity in Noord-Holland, join our community on LinkedIn!