About us | Events | Bioplastics: what and when?

Bioplastics: what and when? An introduction for start-ups and SMEs

Ever want to learn more about bioplastics? We offer you this unique opportunity to learn from the experts!    


  • Introduction to bioplastics
  • Which bioplastics are there
  • How do bioplastics fit in the future
  • Bioplastics in packaging and products
  • Recycling bioplastics
  • Composting / fermentation
  • When you can and can’t use bioplastics
  • Discussions such as food vs. bioplastics
  • Plastic soup issues
  • Case studies
  • Tips
  • Q&A

An expert in bioplastics and circular strategy, Caroli Buitenhuis from the consultancy firm Green Serendipity, will lead this presentation in Dutch.

This event will take place at Impact Hub Amsterdam. Participation is physically possible if the corona measures allow it. Online participation is also possible via Zoom.

No costs for participation, but participation is only possible after confirmation of registration via:

Note: participation is only for start-ups and SMEs with a Chamber of Commerce registration. When registering, please send your Chamber of Commerce no. and contact details!

This event is powered by ChemistryNL.